Owner Name: Jeff Dinges
Title: Civil Engineer
Education: B.S. Civil Engineering. Univ. of Alabama
Software: Autodesk land desktop 2005, Civil 3d 2005, VIZ 2005, Hydraflow hydragraphs 2004
Employment History:
- Engineering Technician, United Consulting,
Norcross, GA Sept. 2003-June 2004
- Civil Engineer, ACME American, Marietta, GA
July 2004 - November 2005
Credentials: Engineering Intern(EI) registration
2.5 of 4 years experience towards PE registration
Services Provided:
- Production of 3d animations in movie format of
sites for presentation to buyers and investors
- Production of CAD construction drawings
- Hydrological analysis and design of stormwater
managment systems
- Permitting expediator